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tAtB tCtD tEtF tGtH tItJ tKtL tMtN tOtP tQtR tStT tUtV tWtX tYtZ

Trademark / Brand Name Class(es)
GICO tiles & marbles +circl 19
GRAFFITI the designer tiles 19
HAO ceramic tiles 21
HEVALLS tiles +squares 19
HINDON tiles india +square 19
HINDWARE tiles 19, 35
I IDOL LUSTER wall tiles 19
INDIAN wall & floor tiles 19
INNOGRES vitrified tiles 19
INNOVA designer tiles 19
ITALO tiles +square 19
JAG tiles +hut 19
JEMSON porcelain tiles 19
JET vitrified tiles +arrow 11
K KAP INDIA tiles 19
tiles 19
KOTIL tiles +circle 19
L LEXONA DIGITAL wall tiles 19
L LEXONA digital wall tiles 11
L LIVON wall tiles +square 11, 19
LANDMARK tiles +squares 11, 19, 35
LAZZARO tiles +squares 19
LENZ vitrified tiles +squar 19
LEO LUSTER wall tiles 19
LINEA wall tiles +oval & ar 19
LIVE tiles +triangle 19
LIZA tiles 35
LORENZO vitrified tiles 21
LOTTO tiles +square 19
LOVE ceramic tiles +heart 19
M MEGA vitrified tiles 19
M METRO floor tiles 11
tiles 19
MARBITO vitrified tiles 19
MARBOLITE vitrified tiles 19
MARGRES ceramic tiles 19
MARUTI glaze tiles ltd. 19
MASSCON vitrified tiles 19
MEGA vitrified tiles 11
MERCURY vitrified tiles 19
MILES OF tiles 19
MIRAGE the designer tiles 19
MONTANA tiles +triangles 11, 19, 21
MTM tiles 19
MTM tiles +square 19
MULTIWYN tiles +squares 19
NAKO tiles 19
NAKO tiles +squares 19
NASSCO tiles +squares 19
NEO glass tiles +arrows 19
NEWPEARL vitrified tiles 11
NICE ceramic tiles +square 19
NITCO ceramic tiles 19
OCTRA wall tiles +squares 19
ORCHID designer tiles 19
ORIENT tiles 19
tiles 19
ORNATO GRES floor tiles 19
ORVIT ULTRA vitrified tiles 19
PAVIGRES vitrified tiles 19
PEDDER tiles 19
PHOENIX tiles 'n' pavers 19
POLOGRES vitrified tiles 11, 19
PRADA floor tiles SUNHEART 19
Q-BO DECOR tiles +box 19
Q-BO decor tiles +box 11
QUESTA DIGITAL wall tiles 19
R REGENCY digital tiles 19
RADIANT tiles +triangle 35
RATNAGIRI ceramic tiles 19
REGENCY tiles 35
REMONA wall tiles +triangle 19
ROCA designer tiles 19
ROCK tiles 2
ROSSENA the designer tiles 19
S DIGITAL WALL tiles +oval 19
S SENIS WALL tiles 19
S SENSORA vitrified tiles 19
S SHIV CERA tiles +triangle 19
S SMART LUSTER wall tiles 19
S SWAGAT wall tiles +circle 19
S SWITY tiles 19
SAI DESIGNER tiles +flower 19
SAKAR marbo vitrified tiles 19
SALON floor tiles 19
SARAL tiles & bath boutique 19
SATHIYA tiles 19
SAVANA wall & floor tiles 19
SAVIO vitrified tiles 19
SC SERON wall tiles +square 19
SE SPA wall tiles 19
SEJAL tiles +squares 19
SENORITA wall tiles +square 19
SENSO LITE vitrified tiles 19
SENSO PLUS vitrified tiles 19
SENSO vitrified tiles 19
SEPAL PLUS floor tiles 11, 19
SHREEM vitrified tiles 19, 35
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